Unique facility for the green industry transition in Sollefteå Municipality

Uniper and Sollefteå Municipality have today signed a Letter of Intent to establish an energy intensive industry in Hamre, Långsele. The facility that could become the first of it’s kind in the world is aiming to produce sustainable and green jet-fuel.
The project called SkyFuelH2 is expected to supply the Swedish aviation industry with a sustainable alternative fuel that could cover up to 10% of its annual demand. If so, the facility would become an important starting point for the green transition for the aviation industry.
The Letter of Intent stipulates that the parties will now proceed to assess the possibility for an establishment of SkyFuelH2 in Långsele. In practice, this means that technical investigations will be executed, and thereafter the consultation process will continue where the nearby inhabitants, local companies and affected governmental bodies will take part.
This is the outcome of many years of hard work. We have the opportunity to attract a unique facility with the potential to revolutionize an entire industry and lead the way in the green transition. Today we’re celebrating, but starting tomorrow the hard work resumes. This will be the largest investment in Sollefteå Municipality ever, and we are yet faced with a lot of work, says Johan Andersson, Chairman of the Municipal Board in Sollefteå Municipality
The Letter of Intent is valid until the last of December 2022. The next step in the process is a land allocation agreement, which is an option for future procurement under the condition that a new detailed development plan is put in legal effect. The efforts to create a new detailed development plan is already underway.
In total, the new facilities is estimated to bring 100 new direct jobs when in full operations, and many many more during the construction process. The Municipality is estimating another 250 indirect job opportunities as an effect of the investment. This investment will also be the starting point for attracting additional investments to continue to develop the area, with the ambition that the industries in the Hamre-area in a couple of years will occupy around 700 people.
We are very glad to see additional investments in northern Sweden connected to the green industrial revolution. This project ticks all the boxes that we are searching for in establishments. The green energy of Sweden is used in innovative ways to tackle some of the world’s most challenging climate issues. In addition to this, we are able to create new job opportunities and hopefully additional investments in new regions in Sweden. I am very proud of all involved parties here, says Magnus Wikman, Chief Commercial Officer at Node Pole.
The goal is to commence the construction of the SkyFuelH2 facility 2024, to be able to supply the aviation industry with sustainable jet-fuel already in 2026.
That we’ve come this far is a result of a great collaboration between several stakeholders during a long time. Even if Hamre is a unique place, the competition for well established actors with opportunity to make significant investment is fierce. The collaboration with Business Sweden, E.ON, Node Pole and High Coast Invest has been incredibly important for us to come this far, says Mikael Näsström, Head of Growth in Sollefteå Municipality.
Photo: Fredrik Modin, ADC Media